We Analyzed 612 of the Best Ads: Here Are 9 Things We Learned [DATA] | WordStream
Source: We Analyzed 612 of the Best Ads: Here Are 9 Things We Learned [DATA] | WordStream
Source: We Analyzed 612 of the Best Ads: Here Are 9 Things We Learned [DATA] | WordStream
Code and product features were tangible to me; I could see them, understand them, and show them off. Learning by contrast, is frustratingly intangible.
I find my self using team viewer more and more. Only team viewer thought I was using it for commercial purposes. I just know a lot of people that aren’t the best at using machines. They also didn’t respond to my emails when I sent correspondence in regards to this. Also I’ve been pushing Chromebooks…
https://www.twilio.com/blog/2009/05/dialing-multiple-numbers-simultaneously-with-twilio.html This is going to be very useful. Dial multiple numbers, who ever answer first continues. The rest of the calls are dropped. Would be nice to also be able to text the others that the call is over. I’m sure I can figure that out.
https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/urls#default-values Pretty useful for not specifying user
Source: Problem running dusk on Homestead · Issue #50 · laravel/dusk
A list of material design http://ninodezign.com/20-awesome-material-design-date-time-picker/ Date time http://mominsamir.github.io/date-time-picker/#/date-time-picker-demo Range selection date only: http://mominsamir.github.io/date-time-picker/#/range-picker-demo
Source: NGINX Load Balancing – HTTP and TCP Load Balancer