Highcharts – Plugins
I should definitely check this out. Plugins for Group Categories Rounded Corners adding more information to legend Dragging a legend – This might actually be very useful for me. Highcharts – Plugins.
I should definitely check this out. Plugins for Group Categories Rounded Corners adding more information to legend Dragging a legend – This might actually be very useful for me. Highcharts – Plugins.
Heatmaps to see flow of traffic and what people click on and where they go. https://heatmaps.io/
I have looked at d3 network visualization demos / tutorials before. I always tell myself I will do it. But I need to get on this. Link below is to a tutorial on flowing data. https://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAowtpoM/flowingdata/CAIiEP1jg1drOnN8PC3TcT9b0fUqMggEIhDlFy4k5ajnTsfC5QXSbl75KhwIACIQ_IySbXiwavHpyb8VqOTmZCoGCAowtpoM/how_to_make_an_interactive_netwo
Visualizations : Survey on Income and Living Conditions in Ireland 2010 I bought the book visualize this written by Nathan Yau creator of the website Flowingdata (one of my favorite data visualization websites). Below is one of the coolest tools I found on the program Many Eyes, I was playing around trying to program a tool…
Lets say we have a database table called responses, each row contains a word. responses Table: id positive response 1 true I have a great experience. I was treated very well. The person was very nice 2 false I had a terrible experience. I was not treated very well. I thought person was very mean. We…
March Madness Prediction Chart Hover of the name of the college to see its path and percentage. Hover over a dot to see all the colleges that have a shot. NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament Bracket, 2012 – The Power Rank.
Some very cool stuff is done with java here. Def. need to think about this product or at least how they present stuff. Samples & Demos | Ext JS 4 | Products | Sencha.