Show all installed packages or software in Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD

Show all installed packages or software in Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD.

Q. I am using CentOS how do I show all installed packages in Linux?

A. You need to use rpm command to display all installed packages in Linux.

Red Hat/Fedora Core/CentOS Linux

Type the following command to get list of all installed software

[code]# rpm -qa | less[/code]

Debian Linux

Type the following command to get list of all installed software:

[code]# dpkg –get-selections[/code]

Ubuntu Linux

Type the following command to get list of all installed software:

[code]# sudo dpkg –get-selections[/code]


Type the following command to get list of all installed software:

[code]# pkg_info | less
# pkg_info apache[/code]

Use pkg_version command to summarizes the versions of all installed packages:

[code]# pkg_version | less
# pkg_version | grep ‘lsof'[/code]


OpenBSD also use pkg_info command to display list of all installed packages or software:

# pkg_info | less
# pkg_info apache[/code]

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