Workout Log Day 1

Towel Stretch right side was sore as normal
Open books tight did eight each side
Arm bar used the yellow kettle bell, eight each side pretty easy. Wobbled a bit on right side last rep. Need to make this heavier next week.
Warm ups
Toe touch: pretty easy but didn’t touch all the way tried to keep every thing straight and not rock down. Did about five. Next time use foam to squeeze between knees
Scorpion stretch: good, felt it, felt good.
Main Lifts
Done as a super set / circuit
Deadlifts : 185×6
This was a good weight to choose after yesterday. I was a bit tired. I used two purple lifts on each side. Need to change to one next time. Didn’t get to have a front mirror because of traffic today, but had a side mirror. Need to keep an eye on form. Felt okay though, I’m sure it could have been better.
Pushups: BWx6
I was a little sore from yesterday’s workout so I just did the regular pushups. NEED TO SLOWDOWN time under tension was terrible. I wasn’t rushing through but I could have been a lot slower on the way up especially.
T Spine Leg Drops
8 Reps 6 sets
I couldn’t remember which these were and it didn’t come up right away when I Google so I did the sideway leg drops.
Let’s start the wave of embarrassment. I was super tired and sweaty by now. I must have spent about five minutes resting just putting away the deadlift weights and the mat for the leg drops.
8 reps 2 sets 10lbs
At first I just started by kneeling which is harder by far. But I realised I was supposed to stand. With15 pounds I couldn’t keep the form right, and with ten pounds it felt tough but right. NEED TO DO FORM CHECK WITH TODD. I was trying to do a circuit and some guy took it after the 2nd set. I was too tired to care. NEXT TIME come back when available do every rep.
Bulgarian split squat:
No idea what suitcase is. I really should have talked this through with Todd. Will do that today. The rep scheme is messed up. I could have and should have done 25×8 slowly. 35 I was pretty tired and did it too fast. NEED TO stop being a LB.
4 reps 2 sets.
Could have rested and done more.
I did some leg lowering and some the kneeling hip flexor exercise.

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